Yahoo! The wait is over, you asked and we’re ready for ya!
Let’s get selling with Dopamine! We’re slowly opening up our space for consignment!
We are currently prioritizing:
- Vintage housewares/Knick knacks
- Vintage shirts/sweaters in all sizes!
- Trendy pants/Jeans (no skinny jeans, or leggings at this time)
- Masc/Androgynous attire.
Items we’re not currently accepting: fast fashion brands (I.e SHEIN), shoes, lingerie/swimwear, formal wear.
All consignors must agree to and sign our contract prior to dropping off any items.
How it works - schedule a time via instagram dm or email to drop off. Please label your bag with your name and phone number. All items must be freshly laundered, no rips or stains. Dopamine will steam, price and merchandise items we deem suitable for the store/Dopamine brand. Once sorted, you will have the choice to pick up items that aren’t accepted within 7 days. We don't currently have the capacity to process items on the spot, as this processing can take time.
The option to donate the remaining items to the “Fill a Bag” rack is available! All sales from this rack go towards funding and running the community craft room. This is a super great option for donations that helps support your local community on their creative endeavours. After 4 months, all unsold items will be donated to the Fill a Bag rack. We suggest consignors don’t consign items they’re not comfortable parting with.
Money will accumulate on your account. This can be used as store credit to purchase items in store, or can be paid out for amounts over $20.00. E-transfer payouts are subjected to a $1.50 payout fee. Consignors bear the responsibility to contact us regarding sales, it’s recommended to check in every couple months.
Check out our Consignment Agreement here and get in touch today @Dopamine_HamOnt or